Developer Tutorial: Using JMP to Create Orthogonal Mixed-level Screening Designs
Published on
03:32 PM
| Updated on
05:42 PM
Orthogonal Mixed-level Screening Designs introduced in JMP 18 are useful for JMP DOE users who need to test the effectiveness of many interventions simultaneously in a single experiment with minimal runs. See how to use JMP 18 orthogonal mixed-level screening designs to mix continuous and two-level categorical factors and use special constructions for mixed-level screening designs where continuous factors have some levels at the center. The three-level factors must be continuous, and the two-level factors can be either continuous or categorical. Additionally, these designs supply substantial bias protection of the main effects estimates due to active two-factor interactions.
The video includes a discussion with Tom Donnelly @tom_donnelly (~ time 49:24) about JMP design choices related to orthogonal mixed-level designs. Tom's slides are included in the attachments to this video post.
See how to:
- Find the designs in JMP using DOE->Classical->Factor Screening->Screening Design path
- Understand the motivation for Orthogonal Mixed-Leve Designs
- Main effects screening primary goal
- Mix of three-level and two-level factors
- Three-level factors are continuous (we’re not looking for balance)
- Almost as many factors as runs (saturated, main effects screening), to 3/4 run size
- DSD-like, but with more 2-level factors
- Understand and view demo of Method/Option 3, where n is a multiple of 16
- Understand and view demo of Method/Option 2, where n is a multiple of 8
- Understand and view demo of Method/Option 1, where n is a multiple of 2
- Delve into issues
- Screening important factors, DSD too expensive, not all 3-levels
- Detecting LARGE quadratics
- Determining how much to go after quadratics
- Choosing the Right Design - with an Assist from JMP's Design Explorer, white Paper by Christine Anderson Cook
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- Lekivetz, R., Sitter, R., Bingham, D., Hamada, M. S., Moore, L. M., & Wendelberger, J. R. (2015).”On algorithms for obtaining orthogonal and near-orthogonal arrays for main-effects screening”. Journal of Quality Technology, 47(1), 2-13.
- Nachtsheim, Abigael C., Weijie Shen, and Dennis K. J. Lin (Apr. 2017). “Two-Level Augmented Definitive Screening Designs”. In: Journal of Quality Technology 49.2, pp. 93–107.
- Nguyen, Nam-Ky, Tung-Dinh Pham, and Phuong Vuong Mai (Jan. 2020). “Constructing D-Efficient Mixed-Level Foldover Designs Using Hadamard Matrices”. In: Technometrics 62.1, pp. 48–56.
- Taguchi, Genichi (Jan. 1987). The System of Experimental Design: Engineering Methods to Optimize Quality and Minimize Costs. English. 1st edition. White Plains, N.Y. Dearborn, Mich: Quality Resources.
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