You can edit the ROC curve by right-clicking on the graph area and selecting "Customize." The "Customize Graph" window that appears.
* Select [Script] from the list on the left side of the window and confirm that Y Function(...) is displayed in [Properties] as shown in the example below.
The function of Y is expressed as a linear equation (in the figure below (for JMP 16 and earlier), Y is a linear equation with a slope of 1 and an intercept of 0.449494...).

For JMP 17 and later, the Pen Color is displayed as a string enclosed in double quotation marks instead of a number, as shown below.

Change color
If you are using JMP 16 or earlier, change the number "9" in Pen Color( ) in the figure.
For MP 17 or later, change the string "Yellow" enclosed in double quotation marks in Pen Color( ) in the image.
The colors of each number and string are listed in the "Creating Graphs with Scripts" chapter of the JMP manual, "Scripting Guide."
Erase lines
Once you have confirmed that the primary expression is entered in [Properties] as shown in the image, click the minus button (-) in the upper left corner of the window.
When you're done editing, click OK to exit Customize Graph.
FAQ #3802