When you save a report file (*.jrp), the following confirmation message appears:
If you select Embed, the data table information itself will be saved in the saved report, so the following problems will not occur:
If you select [Browse], the location where the data is saved will be saved, which may cause the following problems:
Report files with a ".jrp" extension contain scripts that open the data and create the analysis.
When you open this report file in JMP, the program inside is executed, which first opens the data and then reproduces the analysis results. The full path of the data table file is written in the script that opens the data, so if you move or rename the data table file after saving the .jrp file, the data table cannot be opened, and as a result, the report cannot be created.
If this situation occurs, immediately after the .jrp file fails to open, select the View > Log command from the menu bar (Window > Log on macOS) and check the contents of the log.
If an error occurs because the data file cannot be opened, the following message is displayed:
次のファイルを開こうとしました。: /C:/Temp/test.jmp
Open , Open("/C:/Temp/test.jmp")へのアクセスまたはその評価中のメッセージ:テーブルを開けません。
C:\Temp\test - 性別の一変量の分布.jrp の2 行
If the location specified is different from the current location of the JMP data table, copy the data table file to the location specified in the report file and then reopen the .jrp file in JMP.