In JMP 14 and later, forest plots can be easily drawn in the Graph Builder.
To plot, prepare a data table like the one below, with columns showing the estimated value and its confidence interval.
The chart below summarises the odds from the logistic regression analysis and their confidence intervals.
In the data table, do the following:
- Select "Graph" → "Graph Builder."
- Set the column "Level 1/Level 2" to [Y] and the column "Odds Ratio" to [X].
- Select the columns "Lower 95%" and "Upper 95%" simultaneously and set them to "Interval."
- To change the odds marker, right-click on the legend and select from [Marker].
- To change the size of the whiskers on both ends of the confidence interval, right-click on the graph area and select [Customize]. Select [Error Bars] from the left side of the displayed window, and change the size from [Caps] in the properties box on the right.
- To draw a reference line where the odds ratio is 1, double-click on the X-axis to open the "X-Axis Settings" window. Specify a value in the reference line box at the bottom right and click [Add].