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What's new in JMP Live 16.1

We are committed to continually improving JMP Live, and JMP 16.1 is no exception. In our latest release, we have focused on improving the experience around administrating your JMP Live instance. Outlined below is just a sampling of the great changes we have made to JMP Live.
Download JMP Live content as a JMP Project

You can now download JMP Live content as a JMP Project, which allows you to download a report (or all the reports, if downloading a folder) and the data tables associated with the report at one time. When you open the downloaded file using JMP, you will find each report as tab in the Project. The Project also includes a script that allows you to quickly open the post back up on JMP Live. Note: The downloaded Project is only supported by JMP 16.0+.

project.PNGThe Download as JMP Project button is found on the toolbar of a post:


Display name sync

Prior to JMP Live 16.1, you had to set your display name when logging into you account for the first time. Now, JMP Live provides an option to retrieve display names from the authentication provider. To turn on the feature, admins may now set the following option in the ENV file:


The display name sync has different restrictions depending on the authentication provider used with JMP Live. If the instance is authenticated using Direct AD, the display name sync will look for the field displayName as the assumed display name for the user and will use it if present.
Keycloak Authentication is a bit more flexible than Direct AD. Keycloak allows mapping attributes from authentication providers to a set of common attributes for JMP Live. Once the desired attribute is mapped to displayName within Keycloak, JMP Live will use that for display name syncing.

Turning on display name sync disables a user’s ability to manually edit their display name in JMP Live.
Import users from Active Directory
If your JMP Live instance is using Direct AD or Keycloak AD, you will now be able to import users directly from Active Directory using the JMP Live CLI.

C:\Program Files\SAS\JMP Live\JMPLive> bin\jmplive-cli authImport -h
Imports different entities from the configured authentication service for use in JMP Live.

  $ jmplive-cli authImport

  -a, --all Import all entities from the authentication service
  -c, --count Count the number to process without importing
  -t, --type=users|groups (required) The type of entity to import

Admin panel refresh

In JMP Live 16.1, we have refreshed the look and feel of the entire administration panel. We wanted to make accessing information about the JMP Live instance more intuitive and allow for a more optimized experience on both desktop and mobile based formats.

Server status page

The server information page is a new addition to JMP Live 16.1. We created this page to be the default landing area of the administration panel and to provide a new home for the configuration settings. Along the top of the page, we have highlighted the number of enabled users, a list of JMP Sessions currently in use across the pool and the number of reports in the regeneration queue. Other settings of note in the cards below are the SSL Certificate expiration date and the database connection status to help identify problems with the JMP Live instance.


Post access table

The JMP Live admin panel also includes a new page that allows you to browse the view and download activity on every post in your JMP Live instance. Since this table is filterable, the admin can filter by users, access type, IP address and more, allowing an administrator to monitor more closely who is accessing resources on the JMP Live instance.

post_access.PNGWe also include a more limited version of the access table for individual posts in JMP Live, viewable by the post’s publisher. This table is found in the overflow menu of a post’s page.

Refresh existing admin panel

In addition to adding new pages to the admin panel, we updated the existing pages to match the look and feel of the rest of JMP Live. Here are some of the highlights.

User management
The user management page has gotten a totally new layout in JMP Live 16.1. Now we provide a list of users on the left-hand side of the page and allow you to filter down the list so you can find a specific user quickly.
Clicking on the user in the list brings up the details for that user on the right-hand side of the page. The first section lists basic information about the user and allows an administrator to update the user’s display name if applicable. The next section allows an admin to adjust the user’s permissions for JMP Live.

Group management

Similar in design to the user management page, group management allows an administrator to adjust the settings for each group on JMP Live. After selecting a group in the list, an admin may adjust the basic information about a group or even delete the group if it is no longer needed. The next section allows you to manage the members of the group. You may add new members, delete existing ones, or adjust the permissions for individual members.

JMP Live settings

This page includes the runtime settings from the old admin settings page. The configuration settings are now surfaced on the new JMP Server Info page, which means that every setting listed on this page is editable while JMP Live is running. Each setting is individually editable and includes a pop-up description if necessary.

JMP Pool

The new JMP Pool panel highlights some performance metrics along the top of the page so an admin may quickly assess the state of the pool. Each pool machine is listed in the table with a summary of information about the servers within. However, if you need to manage an individual server, the list may be found in the pool’s details panel.


Audit log

The redesigned audit log panel allows you to explore the activity of the JMP Live instance. The filters are the same as the old audit log design, allowing admins to focus on specific activity, users, timestamps and more.

audit_log.PNGWe have also redesigned the details column to pop up a JSON viewer window so you can explore the full data associated with each entry.

Keycloak CLI

With the update to JMP Live 16.1, we have introduced a new command line tool to help manage a Keycloak installation. This tool is designed to be run on the Keycloak server by system administrators. This CLI makes it easier to manage database settings and HTTPS certificates. The CLI supports a help command and a -h argument to display help information for a given command.

C:\Program Files\SAS\Keycloak\keycloak>keycloak-cli help
keycloak-cli can be used to configure your Keycloak instance using one of the
following commands. For more information about a command, you can use help with
the command name or use --help after the command name.

Usage: keycloak-cli [-h] <command>

  -h, --help Show this help message and exit.

  database   Configures database settings for the Keycloak server.
  http       Configures HTTP settings for the Keycloak server.
  https      Configures HTTPS settings for the Keycloak server.
  help       Displays help information about the specified command

Exit Codes:
  2 Missing required command


The database command helps an admin configure database settings for the Keycloak server. The connection command allows you to get the current connection information, set new connection information, and validate the connection. The create-schema command will create the Keycloak schema in the database.

C:\Program Files\SAS\Keycloak\keycloak>keycloak-cli database help
Configures database settings for the Keycloak server.

Usage: keycloak-cli database [-h] <command>

  -h, --help Show this help message and exit.

  connection      Configures database connection settings for the Keycloak
  create-schema   Creates the Keycloak schema in the database.
  help            Displays help information about the specified command

Exit Codes:
  2 Missing required command


The https command helps to manage the HTTPS settings for the Keycloak server. The bind-address command allows a user to update the IP address that Keycloak listens on for incoming connections. The certificates command allows a user to update the certificates used by the server and validate the new certificate files before replacing them. The port command allows the user to configure the port number that Keycloak listens on for HTTPS connections.

C:\Program Files\SAS\Keycloak\keycloak>keycloak-cli https help
Configures HTTPS settings for the Keycloak server.

Usage: keycloak-cli https [-h] <command>

  -h, --help Show this help message and exit.

  bind-address              Configures the IP address that Keycloak listens on
                              for incoming connections.
  certificates              Configures the HTTPS certificates for the Keycloak
  port                      Configures the port number Keycloak listens on for
                              HTTPS connections.
  proxy-address-forwarding  Configures whether Keycloak accepts X-Forwarded-For
                              headers from proxies.
  help                      Displays help information about the specified

Exit Codes:
  2 Missing required command

Like the port command on https, the http port command allows you to configure the port number that Keycloak listens on for HTTP connections.