What inspired this wish list request?
Sometimes a user wants to replace values of a column with the value labels,
("apply" the value labels to the column and remove the value column label property).
For Formula column, the user can click on Remove - then the values stay as they are - and the formula is removed.
If the user clicks on Remove to remove the Value Label Properties, the values jump back to their original values - and just the replacement rule is removed.
This behavior makes sense - but sometimes a user wishes the Remove button behaved like the Remove column formula button.
One example:
to get the possibility to change individual entries of the column (via Recode, for a subset).
An experienced user knows that deep in the Recode menu there is a function Replace values with value labels:
Without this experience a user can search a long time - without finding the function ...
What is the improvement you would like to see?
Provide Replace values with value labels (apply + Remove) directly in the Column menu:
Why is this idea important?
It's not important.
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