☐ cool new feature
☑ could help many users!
☐ removes a „bug“
☐ nice to have
☐ nobody needs it
In Column Properties, one can define the colors and the order for specific "values" - but ist astonishing that JMP is lacking a possibility specify the marker settings as well.
Therefore, the user has to synchronize the settings manually for every single plot:
"Marker by Column" sounds almost like the missing feature - but a closer look shows that the functionality is "related", has little overlap and several disadvantages.
My wish: An additional column property setting to specify Marker settings for specific column values.
The functionality should be analog to "value colors", but for markers.
The benefit:
The user can specify (colors and) markers for specific values and make them more visible (e.g. highlight and differentiate between different fail categories, show "pass" with a tiny standard marker).

"Marker by Column" uses row states to assign Markers.
the issue: The setting is active for ALL (!!!) Plots - not just the plots where a specific column is used as overlay.
With the help of Value Markers, one gets the chance to specify different sets of markers for different columns.
This is already possible for Value Colors and Value Order. Why is it not possible for Markers.
more wishes submitted by