☐ cool new feature
☑ could help many users!
☑ removes a „bug“
☐ nice to have
☐ nobody needs it
To stop all formula evaluations, the user can click on "Suppress Formula Eval" in the table red triangle menu:
But sometimes, jmp is so busy to run the evaluations (stuck in a loop?) that it's almost impossible to get to the menu.
my wish: a keyboard shortcut to stop all current formula evaluations.
--> the user can press it continuously till jmp gets the info end stops the evaluation
(like pressing Esc continuously if a JSL code is stuck - after some while, JMP detects it and stops the code)
btw: there is a command rerun Formulas in the same red triangle menu.
But this button just works if "Suppress Formula Eval" is not activated for the table.
my wish:
rerun Formulas should rerun the formulas every time the user clicks on rerun Formulas - even if "Suppress Formula Eval" is activated.

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