☐ cool new feature
☑ could help many users!
☐ removes a „bug“
☐ nice to have
☐ nobody needs it
What inspired this wish list request?
The command
New SQL Query()
is very useful because it allows the user to run the Query in the background. While the query runs the user can continue to work in Jmp. Very efficient
The command
Execute SQL()
is very useful for debugging because it sends the SQL error message to the log.
It seems that the command New SQL Query doesn't have the possibility to log the error message ( catch Sql Query error ) and that the command execute SQL doesn't have the possibility to run the query in the background
What is the improvement you would like to see?
If so, please make it possible to run at least one of the following codes:
myquery = New SQL Query();
myquery << run;
myquery << get error message;
Execute SQL (... , run background )
Why is this idea important?
With the new functionality the user has the chance
- to do something else while the SQL query is running
- to find typos in the SQL code
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