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application builder: dangerous if data table is closed

☐ cool new feature
☐ could help many users!

☑ removes a „bug“

☐ nice to have

☐ nobody needs it


At the moment, a data table object is removed from Application Builder as soon as the user closes the respective data table.

This destroys all links to the data table (plots, column list boxes, data filters ...), leading to a non-functional Application.

If the user doesn't notice the problem and saves the Application, an error message will show up when the user tries to open the application again.

Then it's too late to recover the application and it's best to start again from a previously saved copy.





  • Application Builder doesn't use the hogi_1-1671365294205.png setting from preferences.
    So, the last saved version of the application can be quite old - and many changes will be lost if the last saved version has to be recovered.
  • there is no warning message -- the data table is just closed and the application gets non-functional.


Workaround for users who already lost an application:

  • Don't use Application Builder.
  • Apply extreme care, when an application is opened in edit mode:
    First save and close the application, then close the data table
  • if the user detects that "it happened again" before he closes the application,
    he can recover/keep the structure by adding a new data table before saving


My wish:  Could you please change the behavior such a user is save against this issue and doesn't have to be careful when closing data tables:


  • If a data table is closed which is used in an application, please show a warning message asking the user
    if he really wants to close the data table - as this will destroy the application.
  • Keep the structure in the application as it is (even with closed data table)
    if the user wants to continue editing the application, Jmp can ask the user if it's OK to open the data table again.




1 Comment
Status changed to: Acknowledged

Hi @hogi, thank you for your suggestion! We have captured your request and will take it under consideration.