☐ cool new feature
☐ could help many users!
☐ removes a „bug“
☑ nice to have
☐ nobody needs it
other wishes submitted by 
The idea:
if there is no unique identifier for virtual join -- add the possibility to define an aggregation to generate unique values.
- no need to have a unique identifier for virtual joins anymore
- a default option for data aggregation ["median" would be cool, but just works for numbers; so the not so useful "N"?]
+ a possibility to define the aggregation individually for each column (like in the query builder)
the benefit:
- the aggregation option makes the virtual join much more versatile
- the virtual join is almost as "dynamic" as the link functionality of summary table (<-> Query Builder)
- virtual links survive after the data is saved and re-opened (<-> link table)
the disadvantage:
the aggregation will slow down the virtal join.
the woraround:
- aggregation via summary table
- join via virtual link
- important: save as a script
(to establish the dynamic link again after it got lost after saving the file)