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Test users via (new) Jmp 18 License Manager

☑ cool new feature
☑ could help many users!

☑ removes something that feels like a „bug“

☐ nice to have

☐ nobody needs it


What inspired this wish list request? 

The current approach of Jmp Trial versions can be significantly improved:


- due to lack of admin rights, it's complicated for users to install non-standard programs like a Trial version of JMP.

- Trial versions are outdated -  e.g. as of today (2024-06-03) there is no Trial version of Jmp 18:



- if a user decides to use Jmp in the future, he has to install the full version of Jmp in addition to the trial version - and transfer the settings

- ...


What is the improvement you would like to see? 

If there are already some JMP users in a company, there is a nice alternative of providing Trial versions to new users:
just via the (new) License Manager.


Please integrate the management of Trial users in the new Jmp18 License manager.


Why is this idea important? 

- less hiccups with trial licenses

- more users in a company can try JMP -> more potential customers.

- The manager of the license site has an overview of the current trial users - and can order the  licenses just in time

- seamless transition from "trial" to "full" version



other wishes from hogi_2-1702196401638.png

Level XI

@Jeff_Perkinson ,instead of linking the trial version to the license site, one could also link it to specific users:


- A user thinks JMP is great and suggests a colleague to use it as well

- the colleague has to download the Trial version 

- he has to organize admin rights an install it

- after the trial period he contacts local IT and the ask JMP for a quote

- some weeks later the colleague gets a full version



- a user enters and clicks on "invite a colleague"

- the colleague gets an email with the invitation

- he uses the company portal to install the current version of JMP (no admin rights needed
and uses his to activate his 30 day trial license

- the company admin gets an info about the new trial user.

- in his he can organize the trial users and directly ask for a quote

- during the trial period, the trial user has the chance to click on a button in JMP, enter the email address of his boss 
  and trigger an automatic process to get a full version

smooth, elegant - an easy way to get new users


and for user 1?
if his colleague stays with JMP, he could get a voucher for the new JMP marketplace - or an discount for the next Discovery Summit.

Level XI

maybe -as a LIGHT version of this wish:

Provide an Installation File which can be used to install a version of JMP that can be used as a full OR trial version.
- no license -> trial
- license -> full


This will remove a lot of headache:
- If the Full version is available via the Company Software installation, it can be used to install a Trial version. No headache how to  get the admin rights to install the Trial version.


- if the Trial Version and the full version is the same, the user can just continue with the same software - with the same settings -> no headache how to move the settings from the Trial Version to the full version.

Level XI

Maybe as an interim version - till the the Light version (described in the previous post) is available:


and even more important: till a JMP 18 Trial version is available (!!!)

Please provide a JMP 18 License site for Test users - maybe one license site per Sales engineer?

The expiry time is just a few weeks - and Test users are added and removed by need.


This allows every interested engineer to install JMP18 "quasi -trial" - now 

- no need to wait for a JMP18 trial version

- no need to install a separate JMP 18 trial version

Level XI


thanks for facilitating the Test User Management in JMP18
-> Topic can be closed.

Level XI

@Sarah-Sylvestre .
-> wish can be closed (I guess: already available - not "Delivered" : )

Status changed to: Archived