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Table summary: enable/disable multiple response

☑ cool new feature
☐ could help many users!

☐ removes a „bug“

☐ nice to have

☐ nobody needs it



In the Table summary menu, for tables with modeling type multiple response, please provide a checkbox to use/not use the multiple response.


At the moment, the below code generates a summary table like this:



such a table could make sense /how many students have 2 and more sports activities?)

But with the checkbox, the user could decide if he perfers the first table or a summary table which analyzeds and groups the multiple response entries (like GraphBuilder would do in Jmp 17):


On the other hand: 

I am quite happy that Summarylists multiple response columns (although it doesn't use the information).

[much worse: tabulate doesn't even list such columns:


Names Default To Here( 1 );
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Big" );
New Column( "sports",
	"Multiple Response",
	Set Selected,
	Set Values(
		{"", "running", "", "tennis", "tennis", "tennis, football",
		"tennis, running", "", "", "football", "running", "", "tennis", "",
		"football", "running", "tennis", "", "", "tennis", "", "football, running",
		"running", "running", "running", "running", "", "tennis", "", "football",
		"football", "tennis, football, running", "football", "tennis, football",
		"running", "", "", "", "football", ""}
Data Table( "Big Class" ) << Summary(
	Group( :sex ),
	Subgroup( :sports ),
	Freq( "None" ),
	Weight( "None" )





more wishes submitted by  hogi_2-1702196401638.png

1 Comment
Status changed to: Acknowledged

Hi @hogi, thank you for your suggestion! We have captured your request and will take it under consideration.