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Simulator for Categorical or Dichotomous (Pass/Fail) Responses?

I noticed the "Simulator" option under the Prediction Profiler isn't available in JMP when I am trying to model a dichotomous Y ("Pass" or "Fail") as my response on one or more continuous (or categorical) predictors. 


Would it be possible to develop a model simulation platform option analogous to the one currently developed/deployed for a continuous Y but instead for a categorical (e.g. Pass/Fail) response? 


It turns out that in many cases without having an accurate means of measuring a "failure" response, we (in certain applications in industry) are left with nothing more informative than a Pass/Fail result, and being able to explore the predictor space on that Pass/Fail rate in a simulation framework in tandem with the Prediction Profiler would be quite useful!  I discussed this topic with @philramsey today and he also sees the utility for this application.   Thank you!