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Script color theme change in plot legend of Fit Curve

If I run a Fit Curve on data, and I do a grouping in that dialog, I get a plot with several curves and a legend with colors for each of those lines. I can double click that legend and change the color theme for the legend and the legend and graph lines change color. If I used the BY command, I then need to repeat this for all of the legends.


I want to be able to do two things:
1) Broadcast a change like this (probably useful in other platforms)
2) Be able to adjust the legend via script (You can do this using XPath() or other methods in Graph Builder, but it seems nothing in Fit Curve)


Between the two, #2 is most useful to me.

Also, reference a way to accomplish #2 in graph builder Setting-legend-color-pallet-on-graph-builder