☐ cool new feature
☐ could help many users!
☑ feels like a „bug“
☐ nice to have
☐ nobody needs it
What inspired this wish list request?
The Regex search in Jmp is restricted because the user is not allowed to set all flags which are officially available for regex searches.

vs. what is possible in Jmp for Regex():

What is the improvement you would like to see?
Please add options to enable/disable all flags.
Please start with standard behavior which matches other tools.
Why is this idea important?
At the moment, with singleline option enabled, the result of a Regex search in Jmp differs from what the user expects after debugging the Regex search outside of Jmp (unfortunately, there is no Test system in Jmp which can be used to debug Regex searches):
Regex: disable singleline option
So, it will be highly beneficial once
- Jmp behaves the same as the other tools.
- Jmp allows all options which the user finds in other tools.
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