In many case, there is the needs to generate random data with different shape (Normal, Weibull, Lognormal,...) and parameters.
For example: one dataset (1000 data) normal distribution (Average = 10 and Standard Deviation = 1.1) and one data set (2500 data) Weibull distribution (Shape Paremeter = 1, Scale Parameter = 0.1, Threshold = 0.1).
This need is linked to some simulations (capability, ppm, correlation,...) we need to do with not real/concrete/process data in our hands.
What is the improvement you would like to see?
I would like to have a button in some menu (Table or Analysis) -> push the button -> open the menu where I can select the type of Random data Distribution and set number of data to be generated and the parameter
(see the attched file)
Why is this idea important? Please describe the value to you and/or other users if the idea is implemented (for example, ease of use, must have,…).
- Have the possibility to do some analysis and evaluation without real/concrete data;
- Easy menu for data generation;
- Flexibility on different data distribution needs;