Can we have a Profile Plot in Latent Class Analysis (under Clustering -- Latent Class Analysis)? The Profile Plot is a graphical representation of the Parameter Estimates Table under each class solution. This contains the conditional probability of response j to an item i conditional on membership in class c. When plotted on a 2-D graph, the profile of each cluster is much clearer than looking at the numbers in the table and separating the clusters. I thought this should be easy in Graph Builder by Making a Data Table out of the Parameter Estimate table. You get the levels of the variables (1 2 3 12 22 13 23 33, etc) and not the variable names. I tried the Transposed Parameter Table. You get the names of variables and its levels in different columns. I must do a lot of transposing and re-transposing this data table and the plot still does not look right. Is there an easy way to do this?
This feature is very useful and is available in other Latent Class software programs (Latent Gold, MPlus, etc.) Can we get this in JMP 16?