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Option to set lambda instead of number of knots in Fit Model Smoothing Spline

In our work, we use a fixed lambda value for our analysis. Hence, our preferred platform to use for spline fitting is Bivariate platform.


Fit Model has nice functionalities such as simulation profiler, data interpolation with multiple factors, etc. We also want to use fit model smoothing spline function, but it's hard to bridge with Bivariate because Bivariate Fit Spline takes lambda factor as input, while Fit Model Smoothing Spline takes number of knots as input.


It would be nice to have option to set lambda instead of number of knots in Fit Model Smoothing Spline, so it can easily be bridged with Bivariate Fit Spline. Example, when I want to extend my model to 2-3 factors from my current 1-factor model in Bivariate Fit Spline.



Status changed to: Acknowledged

@shaira thank you for this feature request.  We will take this under consideration.  

Status changed to: Investigating
Status changed to: Not Planned For Now

Thank you for submitting this request.  We appreciate and review all feedback we receive, but we are unable to implement every suggestion and for technical reasons we have decided not to move forward with this request.  If you have additional details/information that was not originally part of the request that you believe should cause us to reconsider this decision, please provide this additional information.