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Open up JMP table format

I would love if the JMP table format were open.  As in I could build a jmp table from pwsh/python (or whatever) from scratch. 

I have two use cases


  1. make my pipeline more efficient so that I don't have to wait for a JMP machine to open up to do some backend pre-processing while still having all of the wonderful features of JMP when I'm ready for it.  
    1.   I am currently doing this by having JMP run some stuff on a machine that just preprocesses, but JSL isn't built to handle this. 
  2. interactive html isn't up to what I need it to do for everything so being able to read a jmp table to make some custom web frontend stuff would be useful


Obviously I could just use a csv for data, or switch everything over to another language.  But being able to read/write the jmp data format directly would make a world of difference. 

Super User (Alumni)

@msharp @gzmorgan0 @pmroz @ms @txnelson Shamelessly plugging this request for kudos as I imagine you've run into this wish as well.  

Super User

I have solved this issue many times by just creating the data table and all of the required JMP goodies in a JMP script.  It works great to move data from one environment into JMP.

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I'm explicitly trying NOT to open JMP.  


JMP can open sqlite files natively, without an ODBC driver. So Python, etc, can create "vanilla" sqlite tables without JMP, that then, can re opened with JMP. However, if you want to save the table back to sqlite, you'll need ODBC.


Super User (Alumni)

not really .  Imagine I'm trying to recreate Big exactly.  I want to be able to do that without opening JMP. 

Super User

I am going to offer up jsl of a script once again.  If you need to manipulate or create jmp data without opening up jmp, it can be done if the data table has been saved or created as a script.  It contains all of the column properties, all of the row selections, etc. in the script and it would be fairly simple to parse the script to get any of the information you need.  And if the data table is saved as jsl, then when one is in jmp, all that has to be done, is to open the script and it will populate the data table defined in the script.

Level V

Hi @vince_faller ,


Yes, more or less same idea as this one API to convert csv to jmp format 

For huge amount of data, maybe you can test hdf5 format, JMP can open it. Not yet tested from my side but planned

pandas python lib can do it with pandas.Dataframe.to_hdf function.

Super User (Alumni)

@guillaumebugnon yep pretty much the same request.  I have a couple of workarounds that I can get data into JMP. But nothing is quite the same from what I've found.  

Super User (Alumni)

@txnelson can you make a jsl script of a table without opening JMP?

Super User

I can not make a script of an existing table.