☐ cool new feature
☑ could help many users!
☐ removes a „bug“
☐ nice to have
☐ nobody needs it
Name Selection in Columns from the Rows/Row Selection menu is great to define labels by selecting different subsets and writing the corresponding labels step by step into the same "label" column:
The current behaviour of the function is:
a) just do something if the user entered a value [This feature enables the user to "collect" information by writing values again and again to the same column - without over-writing existing labels in other rows]
b) If there is already a label in a selected row, it is replaced by the new label.
This is the reason why the function can not be used for "multiple response" entries:
A second response just replaces a first one.
My wish: an option to append the entered string, if a selected row already contains a value:

This will allow to collect "multiple response" entries like in the example below.
best: a function that automatically handles the commas right (i.e. no comma for the first label).
Additional useful options:
- prepend text
- search and delete text
- search and replace text with another text
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Big Class.jmp" );
dt << New Column("activity", Character, "Multiple Response");
dt << Clear Select << Select Rows( [2, 4, 8, 9, 20, 25, 26, 35, 36] );
dt << Name Selection in Column( Column Name( "activity" ), Selected( " ,football" ) );
dt << Clear Select << Select Rows( [2, 4, 8, 12, 22, 27, 28, 29, 30] );
dt <<Name Selection in Column( Column Name( "activity" ), Selected( ", Tennis" ), Append=1 );
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