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Multiple file import of spectra

It would be really nice to have a version of JMP that can open common formats of spectra (mass, IR, NMR..etc) to create a matrix where the wavenumbers/masses/shifts are correctly labeled in the column headers and the sample file titles are in the first column. This would reduce needing other software like Unscrambler by CAMO to create the data matrix, pre-process the data, export then load into JMP to analyze.

Maybe have a dedicated version of JMP for spectral analysis?

Community Manager
Status changed to: Archived
We are archiving this request. If this is still important please comment with additional details and we will reopen. Thank you!
Level III

I support this request!

It actually consists of two parts:

1. JMP being able to import standard spectroscopic formats (e.g. Bruker Opus (.0), FOSS (.nir), JCAMP-DX (.dx))

2. Since spectra are stored as one file per sample (in most cases), then the multiple import of these is a necessity


We keep other software solely for this reason - people don't want to change to JMP when importing data is cumbersome/impossible.