☑ cool new feature
☑ could help many users!
☐ removes a „bug“
☐ nice to have
☐ nobody needs it
For Local Data filters, the Select option is missing:
Is the absence of Select mode a fundamental necessity for Jmp to work - or is it just like @ian_jmp guesses:
~ It's removed because otherwise the user could be confused by the too many possibilities/too much functionality.
I understand that not every user needs a Select option in a local data filter.
But on the other hand - with the select option enabled, you could generate a completely new generation of Dashboards.
Even after generation of the Dashboard, the user can add variables to the Data filter - and use them to highlight points in the plots!
Thereby, the user of the dashborad is no longer restricted by the creativity of the coder of the dashboard.
The Enhanced Sankey Plot Add-In is a great example of how versatile a Dashbord can be with a select - enabled Data Filter:
Here, @jthi uses a generic Data Filter as a universal highlight tool.
Wether you want to analyze mushrooms, chips or populations, you will always be able to select the values which you want to use to highlight data points.
The only disadvantage here:
@jthi had to use a global data filter to provide the functionality - i.e. with all the disadvantages of a global data filter!
The additional benefit of a Select-enabled Local Data filter:
If you just have a GraphBuilder report open, you can enable/disable "Dashboard" mode with a single click on the Local Data Filter Icon on the Report Toolbar.
Cool, right?
So here is my Wish:
Please >don't< disable select mode for Local Data Filters.
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