What inspired this wish list request? While using the Power Explorer platform, I find myself having to jump back and forth between different input boxes as I try and examine different operation conditions due to the fact that few of the boxes can be locked. This makes for a frustrating and ineffective user experience. Also, there are some one and two sample test I'd like to do power analysis for an equivalence test but there is currently no option.
What is the improvement you would like to see?
- Add Power to the "Solve for" drop down options
- Add Margin of Error to the "Solve for" drop down options
- Only allow what has been selected in the "Solve for" drop down to change as the other input boxes are updated
- Add the ability to lock the ratio between G1 and G2 sample sizes
- For Sample Counts per Unit, change the "Assumed Ratio of Group Counts per Unit" inputs to a single input of the ratio of group 1 to group 2 defect counts per unit.
- Add in one and two sample Equivalence test for Proportions and Counts
Why is this idea important? The Power Explorer platform is a key platform but is hard to use and less intuitive than the Minitab equivalent(though it does have more and better capability!).
Thanks for considering this!