What inspired this wish list request?
I've tried out the Import from OSIsoft PI Server feature in JMP 17.0 for a while now and it works well for the most simple queries, but I have noticed a bunch of potential improvements.
What is the improvement you would like to see?
* Less crashes, every time we load a tag containing a text string JMP tends to crash.
* Allow for the data to be fetched into a single data table, compare with this this add in: https://community.jmp.com/t5/JMP-Add-Ins/OSIsoft-PI-concatenator/ta-p/552756
* It is very hard to construct more complex searches than show me a attribute for a single element over a specific timeframe. A proper eventframe/batch-search is lacking which allow to get the same attributes for multipleEventFrames/batches across multiple elements/units.
Why is this idea important?
The import from PI feature is promising since it makes it much easier to query data from a PI server, with a few improvements it can be a very powerfull tool. For now we are likely to stick with custom scripts to do SQL queries against our PI server.
If I've overlooked any of the capabilities of the module, please let me know.
Thanks in advance,