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Have option in graphing platforms to ignore missing data


I would like to suggest that there is an option for platforms to ignore missing data, similar to how you can ignore excluded data in Control Chart builder.  The issue this would solve is that if you un-stack a data set, many times you will have unequal number of data rows for each column you create.  Then if you try and graph these columns your graph will have lots of blanks.  I get around this now by adding a local data filter and clicking on it which selects all the values and will then hide the missing values.  However, this is not an easy exercise to do for large number of variables or when using a column switcher.


As an example, before using a filter and unclick show excluded region:



and after



and example of the data in the table after the split(second column in is the CC shown above):







1 Comment
Level I

Yes! Please add this JMP team