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Graph Builder: polar plot

☑ cool new feature
☐ could help many users!

☐ removes a „bug“

☐ nice to have

☐ nobody needs it


Add polar plot as an option to GraphBuilder.


many other plotting tools have such an option:


To keep the GraphBuilder Interface as it is, one could "hide" the polar plot mode under Scale Type - similar to Geodesic, where an even more complicated projection is used to convert the coordinates to x/y values.


The idea:
The user selects R and Phi values for the X and Y axis and selects polar plot in one of the Scale Type menus (the other Scale Type is changed automaticaly).
As a result, the values are converted to x/y coordinates and a polar grid is used.


Alternative - if this is not possible:
The user directly loads x/y coordinates and selecting polar plot from the Scale Type menu.

This changes the grid to r/phi.

Difficulty: how to define the major/minor grid steps?










more wishes submitted by  hogi_2-1702196401638.png

Level XII

I just noticed that there is another wish with a simlar title: Polar-plots/idi-p/147599


Both wishes are independent, because they ask for different types of plots.

Definitely, there is a lot in common:

- values are arranged in a circular way
- one variable is  used as "radius"


But there are significant differences:


Polar-plots/idi-p/147599 asks for a Radar Plot / Kiviat Diagram:

where an arbitrary number of discrete categories/ratings are arranged in a circle instead of a normal x/y line chart.


The wish here asks for a polar plot where the second variable besides radius is the angle phi, which runs from 0 to a final value (e.g. 180°, 360°, > 360°)


examples of polar plots in other statistical/plotting tools:


A polar plot could look like a Kiviat diagram, but it doesn't have to:

It is used when a value depends on an angle. Then the value is plottet as radius versus angle.

This makes it much easier to understand the dependency:




Mathematica uses PolarPlot to plot the dependent variable (radius) versus the independent variable (angle) - but doesn't show the radial, angular grid.

I hope that Jmp will do better


hogi_4-1671565304695.png                  hogi_5-1671565363894.png                  hogi_6-1671565606914.png 

Status changed to: Acknowledged

Hi @hogi, thank you for taking the time to submit this idea! We will review your request and keep you updated on its status. 

Level XII

ancestor of this wish: Radiation pattern