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Enable Show/Hide Header Graphs Using JSL

What inspired this wish list request? Please describe the current issue that needs improvement or the problem to be solved that is not easy or possible right now, with an example use case. 


I posted a question on the help forums asking how to open/close the Header Graphs using JSL, and it was suggested by @jthi I post the request here as there is not currently a way to set the Header Graphs to show or hide specifically, it can only be toggled. How to Show Header Graphs Using JSL? 



What is the improvement you would like to see? Please describe the idea for improving JMP. Please include mock-ups, wireframes, screenshots, scripts, other documents or examples from other software that help describe the change you would like to see. 



Current Data Table() << close summary panels;

to work with a Boolean flag to close/open header graphs. This will not work as intended if the user already has the Header Graphs shown.


This can also be done using: 

Preferences(Show summary graphs below column names(1));

But this requires editing the users preferences, which is unfavorable. 


Why is this idea important? Please describe the value to you and/or other users if the idea is implemented (for example, ease of use, must have,…).


The only way to reliably set header graphs to open/close is to edit users' preferences. Enabling the Boolean flag for "Close Summary Panels" will allow for opening closing Header Graphs as desired without interacting with user preferences.



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Status changed to: Acknowledged

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