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Colorblind-friendly color schemas

Super User

JMP should already offer quite a few colorblind-safe(ish) themes. What type of schemas are you looking for?


Using JMP's color theme split:

It is also fairly easy to create simple color themes yourself (of course it is nice if JMP offers them by default), for example IBM theme discussed here Analyse Columns and Enhanced Sankey Plot add-ins for Nordics User Group 


I usually use Cividis (custom, as I have reversed colors) for Continuous and Sequential, Universal Bad to Good for bad to good and Universal for Categorical




In JMP 17, in the Graph Builder, if you click the red triangle and select "Color Setting", there is a link to the color theme settings


From there, if you choose the Continuous or Categorical color them, it takes you to the color settings.  From there you can choose the color theme, and then in the color vision setting choose the appropriate color vision "filter", which will adjust the color theme for that type of color vision.  

