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Allow the ability to stack a "Wrap" in GB like you can with "Group X"

What inspired this wish list request? I use multi-layer "Group X" in graph builder often to look efficiently at multiple categorical outputs (and especially nice when I want to bin continuous outputs).  However, if I have a lot of levels then the Group X axis can smash the data up too much.


What is the improvement you would like to see? I would like to be able to stack another column under the column used in the "Wrap" view in Graph builder.

So go from this:


to this:






Why is this idea important?

This allows more the Group X axis to be more useful when looking at two columns you'd like to stack in the axis (and frees up even more drilling down possibilities since now Overlay can be used for a third column)






Level XI

Nice idea


- there is Wrap available to generate sub-groups for Group Y
- the wish will provide Group X to generate sub-groups for Wrap


Group Y + Wrap:





Level XI

Happy news - the wish Graph Builder - align 'pages' next to each other got accepted and with Jmp 18 the user has  now more flexibility to align pages.




which is very close to what @shampton82 wants here - just some space wasted by the many axis labels .


Level VII

Hey @hogi 

I've been playing around with the page "wrap" and it is amazing! and works well with the group X but I think having the group X be able to be used with wrap would still be useful.  The wrap layout is a little more compact than the page "wrap" and it never hurts to have an additional way to overlay a factor.  As an example:

Here I can break out by a product group (just showing one panel), then by alloy type (in wrap) and then if I could add in another layer of something like oven in the group X, oh man, there is some great deep diving in one chart!



Level XI

Yes, I agree. The approach via page is more like a workaround till the new functionality is implemented.

All those redundant axis labels and titles take TOO MUCH of the valuable space!