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Allow Map Shapes scaling on whole map shape file

Didn't receive any ideas if this is yet possible with JMP (Scaling Map Shape axis when missing part of the data ) so I'm creating suggestion to Wish list:

Add new option when using Map Shapes to allow scaling based on the complete Map Shape found in map file. Currently even if you choose Show Missing Shapes the graph won't be scaled to show the whole map. Most likely best option would be to add additional option and not forcing it with Show Missing Shapes.


Adding same example as in the Scaling Map Shape axis when missing part of the data. First graph has map when all except one value is hidden and excluded, in second one the map is first created, then axes locked to force scaling and then data is excluded:


Names Default To Here(1);

dt = Open("$SAMPLE_DATA/World"); 
dt << Select Where(:Territory == "United States"); 
dt << Invert Row Selection; 
dt << Hide and Exclude(1);

gbExclude = dt << Graph Builder(
     Size(534, 456),
     Show Control Panel(0),
     Elements(Map Shapes(Legend(4),
     Show Missing Shapes(1))) 
gbExclude << title("I don't want always this"); repExclude = ReporT(gbExclude);

dt << Hide and Exclude(0);
gb = dt << Graph Builder(
     Size(534, 456),
     Show Control Panel(0),
     Lock Scales(1),
     Elements(Map Shapes(Legend(4), Show Missing Shapes(1))),
             {Format("Longitude DDD", "PUNDIR", 14, 0), Min(-180.310158563482),
             Max(180.311408237786), Inc(50), Minor Ticks(0)}
             {Format("Latitude DDD", "PUNDIR", 14, 0), Min(-156.734601885074),
             Max(144.680439023449), Inc(50), Minor Ticks(1)}
dt << Hide and Exclude(1);
gb << title("I want to be able to do this (with option)");

repGb = Report(gb);

nw = new window("",
     v list box(
gbExclude << Close window;
gb << Close window;
nw << on close(close(dt, no save));



1 Comment
Level IV

I've just come across this exact problem. A fix as suggested by @jthi would be great.