Does anyone know if it is possible to force graph builder to scale the graph, when using Map Shape, based on the whole map property not just values you have? Currently it seems like if you don't have min-max values in your data, the scaling will only use the data you have even when using Show Missing Shapes option.
I know I can do it by scripting at least by checking the min-max values for axis (from -XY file) and setting them to the graph but I do have tens of different maps and it does complicate the script a lot.
Very quick demo of the situation with World map (my situation is with wafermaps):
Names Default To Here(1);
dt = Open("$SAMPLE_DATA/World");
dt << Select Where(:Territory == "United States");
dt << Invert Row Selection;
dt << Hide and Exclude(1);
gbExclude = dt << Graph Builder(
Size(534, 456),
Show Control Panel(0),
Elements(Map Shapes(Legend(4),
Show Missing Shapes(1)))
gbExclude << title("I don't want always this"); repExclude = ReporT(gbExclude);
dt << Hide and Exclude(0);
gb = dt << Graph Builder(
Size(534, 456),
Show Control Panel(0),
Lock Scales(1),
Elements(Map Shapes(Legend(4), Show Missing Shapes(1))),
{Format("Longitude DDD", "PUNDIR", 14, 0), Min(-180.310158563482),
Max(180.311408237786), Inc(50), Minor Ticks(0)}
{Format("Latitude DDD", "PUNDIR", 14, 0), Min(-156.734601885074),
Max(144.680439023449), Inc(50), Minor Ticks(1)}
dt << Hide and Exclude(1);
gb << title("I want to be able to do this (with option)");
repGb = Report(gb);
nw = new window("",
v list box(
gbExclude << Close window;
gb << Close window;
nw << on close(close(dt, no save));