What inspired this wish list request?
When accessing files from over the internet, it's possible to assess client side issues, such as code 403, which means that the accessing user doesn't have privilages to access the file. The "fix" for this is to open a web window, within JMP and have the user authenticate. This got me thinking... I could use Wait() and input an arbitrary wait time to allow users to authenticate before the rest of the code completes, a custom function could be used to constantly check at certain time intervals (eg: Wait(1)) to see if a user has authenticated themselves and then check with if loop containing << Has Client Error, OR JMP could impliment a new function Wait Until( <trigger event body here> ) so the execution of additional code doesn't happen until that trigger event is satisfied.
What is the improvement you would like to see?
Names default to here(1);
// Proposed - Preferred
auth_test_request = New HTTP Request( URL( some_URL_file_location ), Method( "GET" ) );
test = auth_test_request << Send;
if( auth_test_request << Has Client Error,
// CAN TAKE SECONDS TO FULLY LOAD - Creates new window and loads login page for authentication
webwindow = New window( "Login",
Button Box( "Close when logged ", Wait Until( webwindow << close window ); ),
wb = Web Browser Box()
wb << Navigate( authentication_page );
wb << Set Auto Stretching( 1, 1 );
wb << Set Max Size( 800, 1000 );
// Current - not preferred
auth_test_request = New HTTP Request( URL( some_URL_file_location ), Method( "GET" ) );
test = auth_test_request << Send;
if( auth_test_request << Has Client Error,
// CAN TAKE SECONDS TO FULLY LOAD - Creates new window and loads login page for authentication
webwindow = New window( "Login",
Button Box( "Close when logged ", webwindow << close window; ),
wb = Web Browser Box()
wb << Navigate( authentication_page );
wb << Set Auto Stretching( 1, 1 );
wb << Set Max Size( 800, 1000 );
wait( 10 );
Why is this idea important?
Allows further code execution customization