I quite commonly have to create labelling columns depending on the row values on one column. For example I might have ERROR_DESCRIPTION column and when it has a value it means error happened else test was ok. So I would like to have FAILURE labels formula :ERRORDESCRIPTION != "" -> "1" else "0". And I would like to be able to do this with New Formula Colum and as Transform columns from Filter Col Selectors in different platforms.
What is the improvement you would like to see?
I would like to see possibility to create new formula column (and transform column) to create such labellings based on row values.
This example does combine two types into one, but idea would be that depending on the Data Type of column, different selections should be available. UI can be made more user friendly fairly easy (and should be), for example by disabling selections until Row Value has been selected. And maybe if column modelling type is continuous the combo box could be slider box
and in this case created columns would be something like this:
Workaround for the while (for the right/character case): - generate a dummy column with just formula = source column name
- select the column name in the formula and shift click Match --> Match expression is added and automatically filled will all available values
(if there are too many different values in the column, then it's easier to add the 2-3 desired ones manually -- instead of deleting the other 5000 ones