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Add more shortcuts to Script Editor

As a code editor JMP's Script Editor is lacking quite a many features, one of them are some fairly basic shortcuts which make writing scripts much faster (and easier when you get used to them) and the shortcuts should mostly work without using mouse.

Below are just few of the suggestions that come quickly to my mind (the shortcuts for all of these should be easy for user to configure):

  • Open search bar for Scripting Index

    • This should open similar search window as Quick Open does
  • Open scripting index for current function, this has already been suggested but closed as delivered, BUT this new shortcut requires usage of mouse.

  • Cut Line

  • Copy Line

  • Move Line up/down

  • Copy line up/down

  • Auto-complete variable names (might be already suggested)

    • Either in similar manner as valid commands works currently (Ctrl+Space)

    • Or offer suggestions and user can fill them by pressing Enter

      • This could be expanded to functions in a similar manner as SAS in which you can control how it works through preferences
  • These kinda already exist but have been split into two different shortcuts instead of toggle. I have no idea though how to use these with my keyboard or how to set them in JMP Menu Editor as I don't know the Built-in command for these and they aren't visible (do I have to build them by using Main Menu("")?)
    • Toggle line comment

    • Toggle block comment

More possible shortcuts can be found for example from Visual Studio Codes keyboard shortcut listing

1 Comment
Status changed to: Acknowledged

Hi @jthi, thank you for your suggestion! We have captured your request and will take it under consideration.