With JMP Projects, you can:
- Explore your data more efficiently in a single, tabbed JMP window.
- Quickly save and reopen a set of related files and reports.
- Share your work by embedding your tables and scripts in a self-contained project file.
Example of a Project
Create a project
- Select File > New > Project (Windows) or File > New > New Project (MacOS).
- Open, import, or create your data tables and scripts. Each file opens in a separate tab.
- Run your analyses. Each report opens in a separate tab.
- (Optional) Drag a window pane to reposition it. You can dock the pane next to an existing pane, or create a set of tabbed panes.
- (Optional) To easily share, distribute, or archive your work, save your files to the project contents. The entire analysis can then be opened and explored using just the project file.
Save Files in Project Contents
- Select File > Save Project to save the project file.