I've been creating semiconductor wafer maps using points or heatmaps for a long time and adding graphics scripts to show the die outlines, but it's cumbersome and prone to looking ugly if you have missing data (alternatively you need to add dummy rows to avoid this, which is even more cumbersome).
At the recent European Discovery summit, there was a discussion about using map shapes in Graph Builder to create wafer maps and get around these issues. As I'd not used map shapes before it was a good learning experience, so I created this example/proof of concept script from the sample data.
In summary, the script does this:
Caveats: it's very basic JSL and not optimised in any way, and also not test it exhaustively (only on the sample data set and a couple of real examples) so there may be odd behaviour
Hopefully this is useful. I'm grateful for advice or improvements that anyone would like to suggest!
Love it!
Very nice Matt.
Thanks for sharing-