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A Simple Script to Illustrate Axis Changes in One Chart Controling the Axis in a Different Chart
Super User

// This Simple script illustrate a method to allow the axis settings from

// one platform, to replicate the same settings in a different platform's

// graph.

// This example places both platform's utput in the same window, but

// they could reside in separate window is that is what is desired

Names Default To Here( 1 );

dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Big" );

// Initialize Flagging Variables

// These variables will hold the last ettings for the

// Y Origin and Y Range for each graph.  When one of the

// Y axes is changed, it will be detected by comparing it with

// the last value that is being held in these columns

BivYOrigin = 0;

BivYRange = 0;

OWYOrigin = 0;

OWYRange = 0;

// Create a simple display output

New Window( "One Axis Setting Changes Both Graphs",

       H List Box(

              OW= dt << Oneway(

                     Y(:height ),

                     X(:sex ),

                     Means(1 ),

                     Box Plots( 1 ),

                     Mean Diamonds( 1 ),




                                  "Oneway Plot",


                                  {DispatchSeg(Box Plot Seg( 1 ), {Box Type( "Outlier" ), Line Color( "Red" )} ),

                                  DispatchSeg(Box Plot Seg( 2 ), {Box Type( "Outlier" ), Line Color( "Red" )} ),

                                  Row Legend(


                                         Color(1 ),

                                         Color Theme( "JMP Default" ),

                                         Marker( 0 ),

                                         Marker Theme( "" ),

                                         Continuous Scale( 0 ),

                                         Reverse Scale( 0 ),

                                         Excluded Rows( 0 )





              Biv= dt << Bivariate(

                     Y(:height ),

                     X(:weight ),

                     Fit Where( :sex == "F", Fit Line( {Line Color( {213, 72, 87} )} ) ),

                     Fit Where( :sex == "M", Fit Line( {Line Color( {64, 111, 223} )} ) )




// Add a graphic script to the OneWay graph, that detects the

// changes to it's Y Axis, and copies the new settings to

// the Y Axis of the Bivariate Plot


Report( OW )[Frame Box( 1 )] << add graphics script(

       // Check for a change

       If( OWYOrigin != Y Origin() | OWYRange != Y Range(),

              // If a change is found, copy the new Y Origin and Y Range

              // to the Flagging(Holding) variables

              OWYOrigin= Y Origin();

              OWYRange= Y Range();

              // Copy the new axis settings from the OneWay display

              // to the Bivariate Y Axis

              Report( OW )[Axis Box(1 )] << Copy Axis Settings;

              Report( Biv )[Axis Box( 1 )] << Paste Axis Settings;



// Add the graphic script to the Bivariate plot to perform the

// same actions, but from the Bivariate plot's point of view.

Report( Biv )[Frame
1 )] << add graphics script(

       If( BivYOrigin != Y Origin() | BivYRange != Y Range(),

              BivYOrigin= Y Origin();

              BivYRange= Y Range();

              Report( Biv )[Axis Box( 1 )] << Copy Axis Settings;

              Report( OW )[Axis Box(1 )] << Paste Axis Settings;




Very impressive, Jim. Worked great for synchronizing changes to the left and right y-axes in Graph Builder. Thank you for posting!

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