Hi @Marco1 ,
Well, the whole purpose of writing the code was to automate the process of model tuning rather than necessarily comparing one model to another. As mentioned before, the model screening platform only fits the default values for a particular method. Often the default isn't as good as a well-tuned model, regardless of which method you use to model.
As for modeling multiple outputs (Ys), the code could be rewritten to do this, but one still needs to go back and evaluate each individual model for each Y because each Y will have it's own independent model generated for it. So, I'm not sure you still save time.
In the case that you describe, you might be better off using the Multiple Correspondence Analysis under Analyze > Multivariate Methods to detect patterns between outputs, Ys.
As for your other question about exporting the formula, there is already a way to do that in JMP. Once you've made a model, you can publish the model formula to the Formula Depot platform (see below). Within the Formula Depot Platform, you can use the red hot-button to export the code in different formats, like C, Python, Java, SQL, and so forth. This might get you where you are looking in order to run the formula in Excel. However, if your prediction formula is easy, you might be able to manually "transform" it from a JMP formula to an Excel formula. But, if it's complicated, then you might want to keep it as a JMP file as it might perform faster when evaluating large data tables.