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Columns Menu


Data Doctor Brady Brady shows you some of the cool, built-in, point-and-click functions you’ll find in the Columns Menu (Cols) of JMP. You’ll learn how to convert text to columns and how to break up text or numerical data found in a single column and transform it into multiple columns for better clarity or insight. As an example, Brady shows us how to convert a column that includes first and last names into multiple columns that separate out first, middle and last names. (Phone numbers, emails, etc., can be done in the same way.) Best of all, Brady shows you how to repeat the process formulaically, using the Words, Word and Eval Insert functions in JMP. 


Extraordinarily useful!  In manufacturing situations where we have "Part-Lot-Serial" as I have seen quite often, we can use these functions ( words() with or without evalinsert(), and word() ) or even just the "cols > utilities > text to cols" and the "cols > utilities > combine cols" to break apart and reassemble text.  Previously I've used the substr() function to pick out specific text that I wanted from a combined character string (e.g. Serial#, and Lot# respectively, so I could analyze within Lot by Serial# manufactured) but these are more applicable and certainly the way you've demonstrate the functions makes them quite powerful for handling the many/varied text layout situations that arise when data are entered in manually!  @brady_brady  wondering if you would share your example data files here for us to practice what you've demoed on?   thanks, @PatrickGiuliano 


Thanks for another gerat "Ask the Data Doctor" topic.