If you already have JMP Clinical 17.0 installed, the process of installing JMP Clinical 17.1 begins by uninstalling version 17.0. After 17.0 is uninstalled and version 17.1 is installed, the Reviews report list does not contain certain new reports for 17.1 and some items are ordered incorrectly.
Listed below are the options to work around this issue.
1. This is the cleanest workaround, but will lose all the configurations and studies. After the uninstallation of version 17.0, remove the three below folders.
2. The second option (which does not lose configurations or studies) is to, after uninstallation of 17.0, remove the system.clinical.preferences file under C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\JMPClinical17\Configurations\Default. Then, when opening 17.1, click on the Refresh Study button. This updates the report list and allows you to run the reports.
Note: If you are using shared studies, delete the system.clinical.preferences file under the shared folder, then restart JMP Clinical. Otherwise, the report list order may be incorrect, and an extra tab may appear on the JMP Clinical starter page or the review build page.