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Syndicated - OutboundJMP Note 575184 - JMP file types and their intended uses

File types in JMP® and their intended uses:

JMP: JMP data table

This table is the form data takes in JMP once it is read in, pasted or entered manually, in rows and columns as in a spreadsheet program.

JRN: JMP Journal file

A Journal file is a static copy of JMP analysis results or a means of producing a JMP based presentation. These are separate purposes with some crossover. The journal (.JRN file type) can only be viewed in JMP but can be saved in other formats which can be viewed in other applications where appropriate.

When an analysis is performed, the results are connected to the data table in order to allow interaction between the graphics and the data. For example, a distribution bar chart, if a specific bar is selected, will result in the rows of data associated with that bar being highlighted in the data table. Creating a Journal (Edit►Journal or Edit►Layout) essentially detaches your analysis results from the data table, freeing these results to be saved independently for sharing.

You can also create a Journal which contains menus and submenus that can be used for producing presentations. A good example is the Help►Sample Data window, which is a journal file. You would start this process from File►New►Journal, and right clicking in the journal will provide you with a menu for creating your Journal presentation.

JRP: JMP Report File

A Report File is a script containing a reference to the location of a JMP data table and the script for an analysis done on that data table. The data table can be embedded if it was not saved previously, but it is usually just a file referenced in the JRP file. If this file is sent to another system, it is quite likely that it will not be able to find the source data in the specified location so it will not seem to work.

JSL: JMP Script file

A Script file contains a script (or program) for reproducing results in JMP. These files can provide guidance in frequently repeated analyses. Scripts can also be saved to the data table and can also be stored in menu customizations. The JMP Scripting Language is an object oriented programming language which can provide access to much of the functionality in the JMP application.

JMP sessions can also be saved as JSL files, so that, upon reopening, the current state of a JMP session can be restored for continuing the work. This option is available at the time when JMP is closed.

JMPprj: A JMP Project

The JMP Project file-type provides a container for all parts of your current project using JMP. It can contain your data table (or a reference to it), your analyses scripts, any journals produced, reports all in a single file on your system. It contains either references to all of the files in question or the actual files, depending on the options used when it is created. A JMP project can also contain files brought in from outside of JMP which are part of the project, to help in organization.

JMPMenu: JMP menu customization file

This file contains any customizations to your JMP menu. Normally this file would be stored in a special directory that you normally do not see.

JMP.pfs: JMP preference file

Similar to JMP menu customizations, the preferences that you set in JMP are saved to the JMP.pfs file in a directory where you would not normally encounter it. If you do customize your JMP environment much beyond the defaults, it is recommended that you save a copy of this file in case of emergency to avoid having to reset all of your personalizations. On Windows systems, the JMP.pfs file is stored in:

C:\Documents and Settings\<YOUR USER NAME HERE>\Local Settings\Application Data\JMP* Data,
or C:\Users\<YOUR USER NAME HERE>\App Data\Local\JMP* Data (for Windows 7)

The “*” is the placeholder for the version of JMP®. Your menu customizations are in the \English (or your chosen language) subdirectory here. Save these files to a safe location, and you can restore your favorite preferences and menu customizations if anything goes wrong.

JMPaddin: A JMP Add-in

These are custom built JMP add-ins when saved in the add-in builder

JMPquery: JMP query

A file saved from the JMP query builder


JMPflow: Workflow

A custom saved workflow 


[Previously JMP Note 34934]

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