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Applying the JMP® annual site license

When your license is renewed for JMP®, the designated JMP site representative receives an email from Licensing Support with the new license data in the form of a text file attachment. 


If your JMP license is expired, you are prompted for a new license upon launch. To renew your JMP license:

  1. Save the TXT license file to your local hard drive
  2. Right-click the JMP icon and select "Run as Administrator"
  3. Click "Open License"
  4. Navigate to the TXT license file and select it
  5. Adding an administrator's name is optional


If the JMP license has not yet expired, then the process can be initiated from within JMP:

  1. Save the TXT license file to your local hard drive
  2. Right-click the JMP icon and select "Run as Administrator"
  3. Navigate to File ► New ► Script
  4. Run the following script:
    Renew License();
  5. Click "Open License"
  6. Navigate to the TXT license file and select it
  7. Adding an administrator's name is optional


To view the current expiration date, go to:

Help ► About JMP (For Windows)
JMP ► About JMP (For Macintosh)


[Previously JMP Note 35519]

Products JMP JMP Pro

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