In case you haven’t heard… our live events for Discovery Summit Europe are coming on March 8-12. You can even start looking at the papers now (shameless plug).
While the social events are always one of the highlights of any Discovery Summit, the virtual nature of this year’s events make the interaction different. We wanted to finish this Discovery Summit Europe with a fun experiment, but how to do it virtually? The idea of cookies came up but trying to taste cookies (or anything) virtually seemed a bit difficult. How about determining what makes cookies look more tempting?
How can we do that?
We gathered a fantastic set of volunteers who were willing to bake cookies and take a pair of photos according to a set of instructions that were determined using a designed experiment. For those of you into design of experiments, in a future blog I’ll provide more details on how we created the design. The idea is that we picked a set of factors to change in each photo.
However, to get the most information from this experiment, we need YOU. The more data we gather on picture preferences, the more interesting our results for seeing which factors drives preference in the cookie pictures.
Do I need to know about designed experiments or statistics?
Absolutely not! All we need is some willingness to join us for the final social and look at several sets of cookies. And be able to tell us which plate you would rather grab a cookie from. For example, would you rather take from A or B?

If you want to join, make sure you’re registered for Discovery Summit Europe here and attend the Social on Friday, March 12 at 17:00-18:00 CET!