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Browse apps to extend the software in the new JMP Marketplace
This add-in is now available on the Marketplace. Please find updated versions on its app page
Analytic Maturity Assessment analysis addin

When run, this addin prompts the user to point to an Excel file created by the Analytic Maturity Assessment Survey. The addin then presents a variety of reports useful in characterizing survey results.


For more information on the workflow analysis and assessment, please reach out to your account team. 


Where is the interesting addin?

@lehaofeng the Add-in can be found on the JMP Marketplace (see link at the top of the page).


@Ryan_Gilmore Thanks, but I don`t have the excel , so it can not work. Could you please give me the excel file to run it?

@lehaofeng You will create the file of responses from the survey of analysts, engineers, and scientists in your organization and then export that to Excel. 

@saradoudt may be able to provide more guidance. 


Maybe if you give me an excel example, I'll have an easier understanding the usage of this addin. Thanks.