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A basic text importer for Data Interchange Format (DIF) files
Community Manager Community Manager

This add-in will create a JMP data table from a Data Interchange Format or DIF file.  The file format originated from Visicalc in the 1980 as a mechanism to transfer data between spreadsheet programs.


In the example code, I provide 4 mechanisms to check for the required headers with only one active at a time.  

For additional information on Regex see @Craige_Hales' blog post and for insights into the Pat Match option see the JSL Cookbook.


By default, I have implemented Option 2: Pat Match for error checking.  

  Required Header Items: 

  1. Title
  2. Vector
  3. Tuples
  4. Data

  Header Format, i.e., structure of the header attribute 

    << Attribute Name >>  

    << Vector Number >> , << Numeric Value >> 

    << "String value" >> 


 Where, |

 << Attribute_Name >> is a symbol/token of (usually) 32 or fewer characters 

 << Vector Number >>  is 0 if entire file 

 << Numeric Value >> is 0 unless otherwise specified 

 << "String Value" >> is \!"\!" (double quote with no space between) if not used 


 Optional Header Items: Please note these optional headers were not tested during the development of the add-in

  1. Comment
  2. Label
  3. Size
  4. Truelength
  5. Units
  6. DispalyUnits 


 << Data Type Indicator >>, << Numeric Value >> 

 << "String value" >> 



 << Data Type Indicator >> is one of three values -1, 0, 1 


 -1 --is a special data value 

 << "String Value" >> = BOT or EOD 


 0 --numeric signed decimal number 

 << Numeric Value >> = is numeric data 

<< "String Value" >> = is one of the value indicators (V, NA, ERROR, TRUE, FALSE) 


 1 --string data value

<< Numeric Value >> = 0

 << "String Value" >> = string data value 


errorhdrchkExpr = Expr(
	regex_hdrs = "(TABLE|VECTORS|TUPLES|DATA)";
	matrix_hdrs = { "TABLE", "VECTORS", "TUPLES", "DATA" };
	rqd_hdrs = { TABLE, VECTORS, TUPLES, DATA };
//	Option 1: Find match using Regex with check for required headers
	thematch = Regex( lines, regex_hdrs );
	If( IsMissing(thematch),
		errnum_desc = "Error: A required header is missing";
		errhdrnum = 0;
		errhdrnum = 1
//	Option 2: Find specific match using Pat Match with check for required headers	
	err_List = {};
	For( e = 1, e <= Nitems( matrix_hdrs ), e++,
		thematch = patMatch( txtfile, matrix_hdrs[e] ); 
		If( thematch == 0,
			errnum_desc = Concat("Error ", char( e ), ": ", "A required header ", matrix_hdrs[e], " is missing.");
			Insert Into( err_List, errnum_desc);
			errhdrnum = 0;
			errhdrnum = 1
	// Option 3: Find specific match using LOC with check for required headers
	err_List = {};
	For ( e = 1, e <= Nitems( rqd_hdrs ), e++,
		If( Loc( {lines}, rqd_hdrs[e] ) != [1],
			errnum_desc = Concat("Error ", char( e ), ": ", "A required header ", rqd_hdrs[e], " is missing");
			Insert Into( err_List, errnum_desc);
			errhdrnum = 0;
			errhdrnum = 1
	// Option 4: Find specific match using Contains with check for required headers
	err_List = {};
	For ( e = 1, e <= Nitems( rqd_hdrs ), e++,
		If( Contains( txtfile, rqd_hdrs[e] ) == 0,
			errnum_desc = Concat("Error ", char( e ), ": ", "A required header ", rqd_hdrs[e], " is missing");
			Insert Into( err_List, errnum_desc);
			errhdrnum = 0;
			errhdrnum = 1


Sample.DIF file was used for the development and testing of the add-in.

The contents of the sample.dif file is shown in the attached image with the required headers contained.


File Contents of sample.difFile Contents of sample.dif

The add-in was inspired by the community post from @JensRiege when he asked how to Import .dif file format in JMP Script.


Questions or comments are encouraged.





6 Stars! (out of 5)

I use this old file format daily since we have some legacy software systems.

Worked extremely well!

Thank you !!!


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