I need some scripting advice as there were changes in the column properties from JMP14 to JMP15 regarding the value ordering - introducing "custom order"
The following script works fine in JMP 14 and the result can be seen checking the column properties
Summarize( g = by( :BatchVO ), m = Mean( :name("Timestamp") ) );
// JMP 14 Script for value ordering column "BatchVO" in the Order of the values in column "Timestamp"
:BatchVO << Set Property( "Value Ordering", Eval( g[Rank Index( m )] ) );

The script above works in JMP15 but the result is not visible in the column properties - I guess - due to the new "custom order"
Does anyone knows how to change this to get it working and the result visible in the column properties in JMP15?
The following does not work.
Summarize( g = by( :BatchVO ), m = Mean( :name("Timestamp") ) );
//JMP15 Script
:BatchVO << Set Property( "Value Order", {Custom Order(Eval( g[Rank Index( m )] ))} );
Any ideas about the correct JSL script for JMP15 and above?