I would most likely also go with some sort of text parsing without using format pattern BUT if you want to use format pattern you can, but I'm not sure if I would trust this
Names Default To Here(1);
str = "03/06/2015 1659";
Informat(str, "Format Pattern", "<MM></><DD></><YYYY> <hh24><mm>");
and I would most likely add the separator to time before using this
Names Default To Here(1);
str = "03/06/2015 1659";
Informat(Insert(str, ":", 14), "Format Pattern", "<MM></><DD></><YYYY> <hh24><::><mm>");
And to add this to data table, create new formula column with Numeric data type, use the Informat part as your formula and apply it. Then you can remove the formula and modify formatting as needed.