Great idea! I don't know why I didn't just simply copy and paste your code before, but YOUR graph comes up on my website fine. There is a long list of complaints about OneDrive's handling of HTML files (they open as script, rather than the final product within OneDrive). I just tried it with Dropbox and had the same problem as with OneDrive. I wonder if it's because, when you share files via a link, the link doesn't look like a regular website link (like yours)?For instance: Interestingly, there is an "embed" feature with OneDrive that is meant to get around this issue (it gives you HTML code to copy to your website), but, ironically, it doesn't work for interative HTML!
In any event, I have just signed up for an S3 account, and it WORKS! Man, I never thought it would be such a pain to do this, but I think that, thanks to your help, using S3 to host the interactive HTML files from JMP and then referencing the S3 file links is a workable solution. Thanks so much for your help (and to the others, as well).
Anderson B. Mayfield