I have what would appear to be an easy-to-fix problem, but for the life of me, I can't figure out how to do it easily. I have three separate tables in which the rows are individual proteins. The "accession" refers to their names. Some proteins are found in multiple tables, whereas some are only found in one of the three. I know how to join the tables by matching the protein names (accession=accession), but when I do this it provides the data from only one of the tables. I would prefer to average (or sum) the values instead. For instance, if protein A is in tables 1 and 2, with values of 3 and 4, respectively, I would like the new, joined table to have protein A with a value of 3.4. I tried concatenate and JMP Query Builder with no luck, but I feel there must be an easy solution to this, right? The raw data I actually want to analyze are in the "abundances grouped" columns (7 data columns I'd like to average across tables). I bet a savvy JMP user could do what I'm trying to do with zero scripting in 5-10 seconds!
Anderson B. Mayfield